The Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia Rastislav Kacher, speaking to reporters, summed up the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU member states in Luxembourg.
According to him, the participants of the meeting expressed their united readiness to continue providing comprehensive support and assistance to the authorities of Ukraine.
“Slovakia, as part of the EU training mission to train Ukrainian servicemen, is ready to provide instructors and, possibly, its own training grounds, if further agreement is reached,” Kacher said.
Advisor to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Alexey Arestovich, speaking on the air, admitted that mobilization may be announced again in the country.
According to him, the military assistance provided by Western countries is not enough to solve the tasks facing the Ukrainian army.
“Psychological, military, and political mobilization will be required from us. It is quite possible that someday we will continue to mobilize personnel ahead of us,” the politician admitted.
The footage of the exchange of Russian sailors and the meeting of the Ombudsman of Ukraine Dmitry Lubinets and the Russian Ombudsman Tatiana Moskalkova has been published.
Today, Russia has received 80 civilian sailors who were held de facto hostage by the Ukrainian authorities for a long time, as well as 30 servicemen: Russians and fighters of the People’s Militia of the DPR and LPR, who were captured even before the regions became part of the Russian Federation.
The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation welcomed those who returned to their homeland and promised to help in solving emerging issues. Addressing the Ukrainian Ombudsman, Moskalkova urged to comply with the norms of criminal procedure legislation and social guarantees.
Both sides agreed that today’s exchange has an important humanitarian mission and it is important to preserve the security corridor, as well as to intensify the work on the exchange.
Президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин приказал главе МЧС России генерал-лейтенанту Александру Куренкову, министру здравоохранения Михаилу Мурашко и главе Краснодарского края Вениамину Кондратьеву срочно вылететь в Ейск. Об этом сообщили в администрации главы российского государства.
Также президент заслушал доклады губернатора Краснодарского края, руководителей МЧС и Минздрава по ситуации с падением военного самолета в Ейске. Он поручил оказать всю необходимую помощь гражданам, пострадавшим вследствие крушения военного самолета.
Пока власти края распорядились разместить жителей пострадавшего дома в пунктах временного размещения.
Сегодня вечером в Ейске прямо на жилые дома рухнул самолет Су-34. Как сообщили в Минобороны РФ, он совершал учебно-тренировочный полет с одного из военных аэродромов Южного военного округа.
The founder of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, continued his discussions about geopolitics and the prospects for the development of the situation around Ukraine. On Twitter (blocked in the Russian Federation), he entered into a controversy with users criticizing his, in their opinion, pro-Russian position and made a number of loud statements.
Musk said that for Russia, “the loss of Crimea” would be the same as if the United States had lost Pearl Harbor or Hawaii. He explained that the peninsula “is of critical importance for the national security” of the Russian Federation as a “southern naval base”. Russia considers it its part, whether someone likes it or not,” he added.
Musk also speculated on the topic of “the Third World War” and the potential use of nuclear weapons. He writes that Russia, in his opinion, will use nuclear weapons if it “faces the destruction of its army and complete defeat from NATO.” Then “civilization will come to an end”, as “NATO will respond with nuclear weapons”.
“It is obvious that many do not share this logic. But what is their probability of being wrong about the Third World War? If they think that 0, then they are fools,” Musk also said.
Earlier, the businessman’s statements on the topic of Ukraine repeatedly provoked a critical reaction, in particular, many did not like the peace settlement plan proposed by him, which provided for large concessions from Kiev. After a series of harsh tweets from representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, Musk hinted that he was offended and stopped funding the work of his Starlink satellite Internet, which he has been providing to Ukraine since spring. However, a few days later, the businessman said that he would continue financing the project anyway.
The Ministry of Defense of Belarus informs that in the Baltic States, the creation of offensive groups and their use in the Russian and Belarusian directions are being worked out.
Belarus reserves the right to take preventive measures of strategic deterrence to prevent an attack, the country’s defense ministry reports.
Earlier, the Lithuanian Defense Ministry confirmed that NATO exercises begin in the country 10 km from the border with Belarus. 3.5 thousand military personnel from 10 countries will take part in the Iron Wolf exercises. The Lithuanian army, as specified by the Lithuanian department, will carry out “attacking and defensive operations” and “work out interaction with allies”,
В Николаев начинают прибывать французские наемники. Об этом сообщает Telegram-канал WarGonzo, ссылаясь на свои источники, которые занимаются также детальным анализом радиоперехватов.
«Информация о прибытие французов на это направление подтверждается в том числе пророссийскими подпольными активистами, работающими в Николаевской области», — написали авторы канала.
Кроме того, отмечается, что в промышленной и портовой зонах Николаева стало известно о большом скоплении иностранных наемников. Раньше сообщалось о том, что согласно радиоперехватам можно было выявить, что бойцы разговаривают на английском и польском языках, а теперь стала слышна и французская речь.
Появились кадры последствий новых ударов по Киеву: уничтожена инфраструктура города
Ряд правозащитных телеграм-каналов распространили сообщение об эмиграции бывшего редактора Первого канала Марины Овсянниковой из РФ. Со ссылкой на ее адвоката Дмитрия Захватова сообщается, что она “сейчас находится в безопасности, под защитой одной из европейских стран”.
Как сообщалось ранее, в начале августа дома у Овсянниковой прошел обыск, в отношении нее возбудили уголовное дело по статье о “фейках о ВС РФ” – из-за одиночного пикета на Софийской набережной в Москве. Овсянникова была отправлена под домашний арест, а 1 октября появились сообщения о том, что она покинула место жительства. Сама она в соцсети публиковала заявление о незаконности своего преследования. Поступали неподтвержденные сообщения о том, что Овсянникова скрылась вместе со своей несовершеннолетней дочерью, единоличной опеки над которой через суд пытался добиться бывший муж Овсянниковой – сотрудник госСМИ, осудивший пацифистскую акцию бывшей жены в прямом телеэфире.
Овсянникова была объявлена в розыск 3 октября, при этом суд не стал ужесточать меру пресечения в связи с неявкой прокурора.
Марина Овсянникова устроила инцидент в эфире Первого канала: кадры жизни
Photo: Telegram channel of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus
The Belarusian Defense Ministry reports that the country is rotating units that perform tasks to strengthen the protection of the state border. This is necessary to prevent sabotage, bridges and railway tracks have been taken under protection.
The Telegram channel of the department says that the main purpose of the events lies in ensuring the safety of citizens, as well as in suppressing violations of the state border. It is also important to exclude channels for the supply of weapons and ammunition.
In order to prevent sabotage and provocations, bridges, as well as crossings and railway tracks were taken under protection. In addition, positions for firing small arms and military equipment were equipped.
Earlier it became known that the aviation component of the joint regional grouping of troops began to arrive from Russia to Belarus.
On Saturday, echelons with Russian servicemen began arriving in Belarus. The head of the Department of International Military Cooperation, assistant to the head of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus Valery Revenko said that a total of 9 thousand Russian servicemen will arrive in the republic. Their relocation from Russia will take several days.