In a little over two months, the official euro exchange rate has more than halved.On March 11, one euro cost 132 rubles and 95 kopecks, and the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on May 14 was 65 rubles and 79 kopecks. During the day, the European currency fell by 2.98 rubles.
The official dollar exchange rate was 63 rubles and 79 kopecks, down by 2.1 rubles.
The dollar and euro rates rose in late February and the first half of March. On February 22, the official exchange rate of the US currency was 76 rubles and 76 kopecks, and on March 2 it exceeded 100 rubles for the first time since the denomination of 1998, immediately after it it was 5.9 rubles. On March 11, one dollar cost 120 rubles 60 kopecks.
Since the second half of March, the dollar and the euro have become cheaper.