The Kremlin responded to accusations of hindering the export of grain from Ukraine

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Russia categorically rejects the accusations of hindering the export of grain from Ukraine. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. According to him, the Western countries themselves are to blame for the blocking of grain reserves. It was his actions that led to difficulties with his removal.

According to him, Western countries should cancel illegal decisions that prevent the export of grain from Ukraine. In this case, deliveries will resume.

Earlier, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko said that Russia is ready for dialogue with all interested parties on the issue of solving food problems. According to him, Moscow will be able to provide maritime humanitarian corridors for the export of Ukrainian grain if Kiev ensures the clearance of ports.

He also left on the conscience of the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, her accusations that the Russian Federation uses food shortages as a weapon. The diplomat explained that a comprehensive approach is required to solve the food problem. Including the lifting of sanctions imposed on Russian exports and domestic financial transactions.

Meanwhile, the head of the Dutch Defense Ministry, Kaisa Ollongren, demanded guarantees from Russia for the export of grain from Ukraine. She explained that the Russian Federation will have to ensure the safety of ships that will accompany ships with grain. Ollongren also noted that Turkey will also have to be asked for cooperation.


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