At the BRICS summit, a “technical scandal” happened with Putin: they communicated with gestures

Narendra Modi was most unlucky

The leaders of the BRICS countries, who gathered for the summit live, had problems with communication. Only the presidents of Russia, China and Brazil managed to speak without interference. The picture disappeared from the leader of South Africa, and the sound disappeared from the Prime Minister of India. Everyone, including Vladimir Putin, had to temporarily switch to sign language. However, in real life, BRICS has no problems: all participants assured that cooperation is deepening, and the authority of the “five” on the world stage is steadily growing.


Unlike other international associations, whose members have been holding face-to-face meetings for a long time, BRICS continues to remain in quarantine mode. Only the presidents of South Africa and Brazil actively travel around the world. Whereas the leaders of China, Russia and India prefer to stay at home and travel abroad only inin exceptional cases. Vladimir Putin took part in the BRICS summit from the Zavidovo residence, where Alexander Lukashenko has been visiting since Thursday. Since the communication between the two leaders, as Dmitry Peskov explained to journalists, is informal, it was not difficult for Putin to break off and get in touch with the participants of the “five” at the appointed hour.

The event was opened by Chinese President Xi Jinping as the host. Usually the Chinese prepare very carefully for such meetings — they think over a cultural program, make up a special menu, produce a variety of souvenirs. But now they are clearly not up to it: the country is in permanent lockdown — when residents of some cities are briefly released to breathe fresh air, others are again locked in four walls. It is not surprising that Xi Jinping in his speech again spoke about the pandemic, as well as about otherstraditional topics for Beijing — in particular, the construction of a multipolar world and the harm of unilateral sanctions. The Chinese president called on the BRICS partners to abandon the mentality of the “cold war” and the confrontation of the blocs. “Thus, the big family of the “community of the common destiny of mankind” will outstrip a small group of hegemons,” Xi explained the historical mission of the “five”, although in the current situation his wishes, frankly speaking, look utopian: Russia is not going to give up the confrontation with NATO and does not hide it.

When the camera showed all the participants of the summit, it turned out that there were still souvenirs. The Chinese sent each president a cup in the famous Tsinghua technique (when white porcelain is painted with blue paints. — “MK”The last speaker at the summit was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Judging by his face, he spoke with inspiration and enthusiasm, but, unfortunately, no one could hear him. Other presidents tried to draw their colleagues’ attention to the problem with the microphone: Vladimir Putin pointed to a button on the table, Ramaphosa shook his headphones, Bolsonaro made a stop sign with both hands. (One Si continued to smile as if nothing had happened in thescreen.) But it didn’t have a quick effect. Modi spoke into the void for about 2 minutes, until finally the organizers of the broadcast managed to convey to the Indian side in English that “other leaders of Mr. Prime Minister do not hear.” When the connection was sorted out, it turned out that Modi was also worried about the pandemic, but he hoped that the mutual cooperation of the BRICS countries would contribute to the global recovery.


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