Residents of Norway in the area of the Yakobsel River on the border with the Russian Federation, as well as tourists arriving in this area, were forbidden to relieve themselves in the direction of Russia. A corresponding sign with the inscription ” No peeing towards Russia “(“It is forbidden to write in the direction of Russia”) it was recently installed on the road. The penalty for violators is quite high.
According to the Norwegian edition of The Barents Observer, the border runs in the middle of the river. When there is little water on the river, it is enough to walk a few meters to touch the Russian border post.
Norwegian Border Commissioner Jens Hoilund said that border guards had previously warned local residents and tourists who come here for a spectacular selfie about the inadmissibility of such actions. Why it was necessary to install a forbidding sign, he does not know.
The Border Commissioner made it clear that incidents will be reported to the police, and what is warned about in the sign will be regarded as offensive behavior.
In Norway, a separate law on the border with Russia was adopted in 1950, and it stipulates that for offensive behavior directed against a neighboring state or its authorities, punishment is expected in the form of a fine or imprisonment for up to 3 months. The fine may amount to 3,000 kronor (290 euros).