Putin spoke about the possible transfer of the capital of Russia

photo source: video screen

In response to a question from a journalist from Kyrgyzstan about the possible transfer of the capital from Moscow to the center of Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin replied that he did not see any sense in this.

According to him, the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, has done a lot to turn Moscow to the most comfortable city for residents and tourists. Historically and mentally, it is always associated with the capital of the state.

However, according to the President, the powers of the capital should be decentralized.

“There is such a problem. I am in favor of decentralizing. For example, we are creating a judicial center in St. Petersburg. Powers and competencies should be transferred to the regions,” the head of state said.

Read also: “Putin’s speech at the Valdai Forum: online broadcast”

Источник www.mk.ru

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