Wasserman made a call to recognize the United States and NATO as sponsors of terrorism

Americans support almost all terrorist groups in the world

The US Senate earlier adopted a resolution calling on the country’s State Department to include Russia in the list of states sponsoring terrorism. The American authorities explain this by Russia’s military actions in the territories of Chechnya and Georgia. Syria and Ukraine. State Duma deputy Anatoly Wasserman is convinced that the US and NATO themselves should be recognized as sponsors of terrorism.

Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya

In conversation with NEWS.ru Wasserman, in response to the US Senate resolution, justified Russia, noting that the Russian military was directly involved in suppressing terrorist threats in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria and Ukraine, unlike the Americans.

According to the parliamentarian, Russia suppressed terrorism with all its might in all the places listed by the Americans, and all normal people around the world “perfectly understand this.” Moreover, Wasserman stressed that almost all terrorist groups in the world are supported by Americans, which is also well known to everyone.

The MP believes that, based on this, it is necessary to recognize the United States and the entire NATO organization as sponsors of terrorism. The politician added that the inclusion of Russia in the list of states that sponsor terrorism could threaten Moscow with the introduction of new sanctions by the White House.

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